Cortland County Trappers of New York August 2013 Report

President — Bill Howe; 607-756-6763

Vice President — John Slocum; 607-849-6681

Secretary/Treasurer — Art Manz; 607-863-4534;

Newsletter Editor — Les Wedge; 607-749-3292;


Membership Options:

• Individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $20

• Individual membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $32


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

Cortland Country Trappers of New York

Secretary Art Manz

Box 14

Cincinnatus, NY 13040



Meeting was called to order at 5:00pm June 16, 2013, by President Bill Howe. The 50/50 was won by Butch Jenks and the trap donated by Howe Trapping Supplies was won by John Slocum. Art came in third.

Bill has plenty of gun raffle tickets for sale, pick up some and sell them.

Solon has voted to renew their beer license. Discussion on subject went nowhere.

Rich Beckwith will bring pizza for the July meting and Lance Smith will do a demo at the July meting. President will bring an inventory of our fur stock to the July meeting.

Treasurer’s report was accepted as given. Art is slowly getting our T&PC subscriptions straightened out.

Shirley has seen to it that we have a Father’s Day cake. Thank you Shirley.

Lance Smith reported that Russ Bossard is moving to Montana.

Ray Nolan reported on goings on at NYSTA. Bobcat season is on the way. Someone is working to get AR in WMU7M. Rep Cliff Crouch seems to be in favor. Ray is still trying to improve the NYSTA Trapper Web site. Convention is coming soon. Cortland will take an ad in the Convention Brochure when Ray gets back to us on price. Ray took a copy of our ad to give to the powers that be. Consensus is that the admission price to the convention should by lower.

Les Wedge read thank you letter from our newest scholarship winner. Auction prices were discussed. Looking good.

Dale Beckwith brought up the Rendezvous. After discussion motion to have shooting event at the Rendezvous was defeated. Dale visited Trapping Museum in Ohio and said it was very interesting.

Rich Beckwith noted that the Scholarship money is well spent.

Motion was made and carried that we spend no more than $250.00 to place an ad in the “Rondy” and NYSTA Convention books this year. Ray Nolan will take care of this. Treasurer will send check.

John Slocum brought out the trapping books and “stuff” for us to go over and decide what to do with it.

Chow is ready thanks to Shirley and Bill Howe.

Motion to adjourn at 6:30, carried.

Respectfully submitted. — Art Manz



The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm, May 19, 2013 by President Bill Howe. Lance Smith won the 50/50 and Hugh McDonald won the trap donated by Howe’s Trapping Supplies.

Bill still has plenty of gun raffle tickets for you to sell.

We will go over the collection of old trapping papers and stuff next week. Should be interesting.

Lance Smith will do a demo next month.

Treasurer’s report was accepted as given. Art will see what he can do about the T&PC subscription mix up. No one seems to have been renewed or notified.

Les Wedge reported that the Scholarship Committee has awarded the Scholarship to Maria Urban from Homer School District. Committee had seven applications to work with. Nice job gentlemen. Les recommended that the instructors get their supplies for their courses now. Could be a shortage.

Hugh noted that he has a knack for catching Beaver toes. Maybe he could do a demo on his method.

Bill will bring the food next month.

It’s Bill and Arts birthday again so let’s have some cake and some of Hugh’s gourmet chow. Boy Howe is old.

Motion to adjourn carried at 6:00pm.

Respectfully submitted. — Art Manz

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