Pennsylvania Trappers Association August 2009 Report

President — Rod Zullinger, 4886 Raccoon Valley Rd., Millerstown, PA 17062; phone: 717-589-7594; e-mail:

Vice-President East — Joel Whitehead, RR #2 Box 90, Thompson, PA 18465; e-mail:

Vice-President West — Ned Weston, 120 Swope Rd., West Sunbury, PA 16061; phone: 724-894-2239; e-mail:

Secretary — Tereasa Houtz, 300 Flint Ln.,  Landisburg, PA 17040; e-mail:

Treasurer — Ed Price, P.O. Box 327,  Union Dale, PA 18470; phone: 570-679-2318; e-mail:

Editor — Russ Ford, 309 Pine Dale Rd., Carlisle, PA 17013; phone: 717-249-7271; fax: 717-249-8509; e-mail:

FTA Director — Mark Kasten, RR 2 Box 2287, Hallstead, PA 18822; phone: 570-278-2553;

NTA Director — David Shuttleworth, 5452 Tamarack Drive, Sharpesville, PA 16150; phone: 724-962-4260; e-mail:

Public Relations Director — Mike Gontar, 87 West 7th St., Jim Thorpe, PA 18229; phone: 570-325-4974; fax: 570-325-4974; e-mail:

Membership Options:
Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
Individual membership without subscription — $10
Junior, age 16 and under without subscription — $5
Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
Lifetime membership without subscription — $100

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
PTA Treasurer
Ed Price
P.O. Box 327, Union Dale, PA 18470


I want to thank you all for the support you have given me to serve as your leader. It will be my privilege to serve the Pennsylvania Trappers Association. Under the leadership of Rod Zullinger and the fiscal responsibility of Ed Price, our association is doing well and we all owe these two men a BIG THANK YOU!

The annual rendezvous was hosted by District 5 in Cambria Co. They successfully pulled off a great convention. Under Todd’s leadership, they worked as a team to complete the task at hand, and now I ask we all pray and give support to help Todd and his family see their way through his health challenges.

I encourage everyone to volunteer at one of the district’s trapper training schools that will be held this fall. We can be proud of the number of new trappers we have introduced to our sport through the years. I think this is one of the contributing factors to the PA Game Comm, seeing an increase in Furtakers License sales. As a result the PGC will be expanding their cable restraint certification into a Furtaker Education course in the near future.

We have little control over the world markets, but personally I know I am happiest when I am on the trapline. What about you?

Thank you for reading.

— Brian Mohn

Trap Setting Results 2009 Rendezvous:

Girls 8-14: 1st Kimberly Maurer; Boys 8-14: 1st RJ Graham; 2nd Zac Albrecht; 3rd Jacob Wilkenson: Girls 15-17: 1st Judy Mohn; 2nd Katie Lovejoy: Boys 15-17 1st Adam Schwabenbauer; 2nd Kyle Schwabenbauer; 3rd Anthony Bittner: Women’s: 1st Steph Schwabenbauer; 2nd Kelly Johnson; 3rd Cindy Johnson: Men Multi trap: 1st John Wilkenson; 2nd Tim Bittner; 3rd Dan Kowalo; 330 conibear setting: 1st John Wilkenson; 2nd Jeff Park; 3rd Paul Albrecht.
Thank You for competing.


Trappers and friends, I’d like to thank every one who voted for the officers of the PTA. I know it’s a chore, but, YOU are the ones who elect the officers.

District 5 did a great job with the rendezvous. I hope everyone had a chance to attend. Todd Harteis did a fantastic job of organizing and executing everything. I should say the D-5 TEAM. It seemed everyone worked well together. The grounds were great with lots of shade on sunny days, and the food was real good. Having the food vendors in one area helped. The choices were also good and the service was fast and effecient.

The report concerning the trappers park, or KIFE was encouraging. Soon we will have home
Hope everyone has a chance to go to an event on the district level or State or National to get the supplies needed for another season. The sun has passed the solstice and the days are getting shorter.
Well, thats about it for now, stay safe, be careful, and be kind to each other.

— Joel Whitehead


This is the first report in the T&PC and there will be more to follow. In the future, the labeling will be KIFE, which stands for Keystone Institute for Furbearer Education. This is now the official name of the incorporation.

We have filed the Articles of Incorporation (AI) and, as I write this, I hope the AI will be back from the Department of State approved and then we can file for our Tax ID number and have finally have our own checking account. At that point, we must then file the 501.c.3 application to the Federal Government for our non-profit organization status. At that point, we will have all the long red tape that goes with setting up an organization with the Federal and State governments.

It has been a long three years since the start of this project. I personally found it trying as well as rewarding. The first official meeting of the board of KIFE is scheduled in July and, at that time, the election of officers will take place. In the future, we hope to have a report from each board meeting in the T&PC. Our next report will include the names of all board members and their position on the board. There are a few vacancies to fill from some of the Districts that have not furnished a representative to the board. I am hopeful they will be filled when the first board meeting takes place.

The board will be meeting bi-monthly for the first couple of years for there is much to do in the beginning. Some of the issues the board will be addressing this year are the by-laws, determining the committees that are needed, setting goals and objectives for KIFE and a host of other things that I can not foresee at this time.

The Trappers Park committee has done an outstanding job to this point and will cease to exist when the first board meeting of KIFE is held. I wish to thank all the members of the committee for their personal effort in getting KIFE to this point. I have the utmost respect and admiration for each and every one of them for giving so willingly of their precious time to make it all happen.

The committee has put together recommendations for the KIFE board to consider in their by-laws as well as the development of committees inside KIFE. One of the recommendations is to have members of the PTA on the committees and headed by a board member of KIFE.

As of this date, we are unsure what the committees will be, but ones that will be recommended to the board are the following: Executive committee, Finance committee, Education committee and Property committee. So any of you that may wish to serve on a committee in the future do not necessarily need to have a particular expertise just a desire to serve. Many down to earth.

— Greg Koh


Wow, it has been busy! PTA District #1 held the NE Regional Convention the weekend of May 8 and 9 in Pittsfield, PA. The numbers were not as high as I had hoped they would be; however, it was a great convention. We had 36 inside dealers and 47 tailgaters outside. Overall, 810 people came though the gate. There were about 1,210 people in attendance.

I would like to thank everyone in the PTA District #1 that made this such a great convention. Also, thank you to all of those who came in support. We signed up several new members. I heard a lot of compliments on the demos. I was only able to attend a couple of the demos and they were very good. Thanks to all who did demos.

PTA District #1 has decided not to host the NE Regional next year. There was some interest from two other districts in hosting this event. When more information becomes available, I will pass it along.

The guys from District #5 did a great job on this year’s PA State Convention in Ebensburg. I worked the NTA booth with Sam Smith, Executive Council of the NTA, Cindy Steff of Furbearers Unlimited and Amanda. I would like to thank Sam, Cindy and Amanda for attending the convention. It was great to have the NTA and FBU at the Pa State Convention. The PTA would like to thank the FBU for donating the Marlin HR 17 rifle for the membership drive for the NTA and PTA. We signed up nine new members and had several renewals to the NTA.

The NTA’s 50th Convention will be held in Lima, Ohio on July 30, 31 and Aug. 1. Make your plans to attend. This will be a really good convention. I will be leaving on Monday to attend the board meetings. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at or 724-962-4260.

Remember, we are all in this together. Support your National and State Associations.

— Dave Shuttleworth


Hi to all,

Well here we are going into the last half of the year. My-My How Time Flies. Summer is just starting to gear up for the Dog Days that lie ahead.

Some Conventions have come and gone, yet some are still remaining for your enjoyment. Try to attend as many shows and goings on that you can. You’re sure to enjoy the good times as well as the good friendships that you’ll have.

The just passed Rondy hosted by D5 was a well run event.

Although to me, during my observations while sitting on my rear-end, it seems like the attendance was not as big as some of our other shows. Perhaps the down fur market as well as the rainy conditions hampered the turnout some.

With the way the fur market is at this time, I foresee a downward shift in most trapping efforts. This perhaps, will tend to help the anti’s in their misguided goal of eliminating all trapping. After 50 years plus playing this game, I have seen it happen, “Money Talks & Bull S–t Walks”
Perhaps not as intense when there is a High Market or maybe for a few, more so then ever.

As with the low prices, there will be less pressure from others. This opens the door for those who want to trap, with a wider range to ply their sport. Perhaps their increased catch will at least offset their expenses. Some of you will trap, even if at the end you lose some $’s (I have). You are in it for the love of being able to do it.

Next: You probably know by now of the changes in your PTA Leadership. Not a lot of new faces but a few. Both the Oldies & the Newbie’s will continue to provide you with the quality leadership you deserve. All good leaderships can be greatly improve when you the member puts forth the effort to serve your leaders as your leaders serve you.That is the way it works. Period!

Another bit to think about: “KIFE” (KEYSTONE INSTITUTE for FURBEARER EDUCATION) is up and walking. It is passed the crawling stage and is on it’s feet. Your “Home” is growing, albeit slowly. “One Step @ A Time” it will be what it will be — Our Future!

(Please read Greg’s first report and hopefully not his last). He and his crew are getting it done. But there is still a need for some more of you to help fill in the gaps. PLEASE step up and put your all into this.

In closing, I wish to thank all of our past board members for their devoted services and the huge amount of time they have spend in helping to ensure the GOOD for all of us. As well, so often, put in your time to this GREAT ASSOCIATION!

As always: I THANK YOU for your time. Enjoy the summer!

— Russ Ford


Fellow trappers, as I write this column, I have just returned from two great conventions. The first was the Fur Takers of America Convention in Mena, Arkansas. Don Hoyle and his crew did a great job in organizing and hosting this event. The FTA is becoming a very active organization and a leader in the fight to protect our right to trap.

I had the honor and privilege to sit on the governing board as a proxy for Rod Zullinger who could not attend. The board meeting lasted all day on Wednesday and several items were discussed and voted on.

If you are a member of the PTA and not a member of the FTA, you might be receiving a free three month subscription to the Fur Taker Magazine. We have to coordinate membership lists to get this done.

Frank Pirce, Spokesman for the United States Sportsman’s Alliance, gave a terrific presentation on what his organization has been doing to help keep the right to trap. The FTA and the PTA gave the USSA around $5,000 each to help pay for this effort. To make a long story short, the USSA has spent in the last year, in Minnesota, Maine and Connecticut, over $250,000 in legal and other fees. I would like to encourage all to support this fine group. Frank also gave a rundown on the trailblazer program.

Next on the agenda, the FTA voted in favor of buying time slots on the Outdoor Channel. This program has the potential of being viewed in 28 million homes. The program will appear on the management advantage show next season. The TMA has 13 shows. Each show airs three times a week. The individual 13 shows air a total of six times, for a total of 78 viewings over a 6-month period.

By sponsoring the TMA show, the FTA receives many benefits, the biggest being a two-minute segment in each show that the FTA plans to use promoting trapping and the need for trapping. These segments will include a variety of topics aimed at different audiences.

For an organization with limited financial resources, this is a major undertaking. The Management Advantage show is all about managing the resource and better stewardship of the land we use. Look for a further update on this project in your Fur Taker Magazine. The total cost of this project is $45,000 dollars. So, the FTA could really use the support of all trapping organizations.

At the general meeting on Friday night, I had the privilege of receiving two awards. The first was the highest award given in the Circle of Friends category to the PTA for a donation made last year. The second was an award presented to me for my effort in getting more affiliates to join. It was quite an honor to receive the organizer of the year award.

The convention in 2010 will be held in Columbus, Indiana and will be hosted by Time Rose and his crew. In 2011, the FTA will hold its convention in western New York. Congratulations to Andy Smith, the new Rep. for New York. Officers were elected at the general meeting and it was sad to hear Roy Greenfield will be stepping down as General Organizer. The following are the new officers of the FTA: President — Chick Andes, Vice President — Gary Jepson, Treasurer — Carol Krumwiede, Secretary — Paul Ellsworth, General Organizer — Tim Julien and Governing Board Chairman — Tim Rose.

Fellow trappers, the PTA has agreed to pay the cost for any district to become an affiliate. And if you are currently not a member, please consider joining today. With your help, we can win these battles one fight at a time. And remember, conservation is the wise use of our natural resources. Thank you for your support in the last election. I will do my best to serve the members of the PTA.

— Bill Kasten


Congratulations to District 5 for hosting a very successful state rendezvous in Ebensburg. There were a lot of dealers present and things ran very smoothly. At the state general meeting, I was both appreciative and humbled to receive the trapper of the year award.

Our trapper training school will be held Sept. 26 at Bill Phillips’ residence in Erie County at 2789 Dublin Road, Waterford, PA. Registration will begin at 7:30 p.m. (Pre-registration is required). For more information, please contact Derrick Cross at 814-664-8733 or Bill Phillips at 814-796-3699.
The fall meeting will be held on Aug. 27 in Warren County at 4 p.m. The location will be announced later. We are planning to have some demos before the meeting and there will be dealers there for any last minute purchases. For more information, please contact Bill Cummings at 814-723-8824.

Erie County will be doing the Waterford Heritage Days on July 17 through 19. They will be doing the Waterford Fair from Sept. 7 through 12.

Mercer County will be doing the Harthagig Family Days on Aug. 23 and looking to set a booth up at the Stoneboro Fair.

Warren County will be participating in Adopt a Highway.
Crawford County will be having Youth Field Day on June 27 and a booth at the Crawford County Fair on Aug. 22–29.

If anyone can help the counties with any of these functions, please contact the County Leaders or myself.

Remember County Leaders, we have skunk teddy bears, knives, hats and t-shirts that can be used as county fund-raisers.

The National Trappers’ Association’s 50th Annual Rendezvous will be held in Lima, OH on July 30–Aug. 2. For more info, please contact Dave Shuttleworth at 724-301-5114.

Keep in mind, we still have PTA District 1 sweatshirts ($35) and window decals ($7.50) for sale. If you are interested in purchasing one, please contact me.

We have a lot going on in each of the counties. Please help your county leaders various functions a success by donating your help to promote trapping.
God Bless.

— Charlie Sykes


There will be a Trapping School on Aug. 8. It will be at the Beaver Creek Nature Center in Clarion County. On Rt. 208, West of Knox, Pa. The sign in will be at 8:30 a.m.

The Dayton Fair will be on Aug. 16 through the 22. We will need people to man the display.

The Fall Expo will be on Sept. 19 at the Armstrong Hunting and Fishing Club. Out of West Kittanning, on Pony Farm Road. It will start around 8:30 a.m. There will be demos/supplies/food through the day.

If you need more info, call Greg Bell at 724-224-2197.


Hello all,

I’d like to start off by saying thank you to District 1 for the NTA regional convention back in May. Thanks for all the work to have the regional in Pittsfield. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Next, of course, thank you to District 5, for hosting the state convention this year. Todd and crew, you did a great job on everything other than the weather. On Saturday mid-morning, I found my tent behind the shower building wrapped around an oil tank and I’m pretty sure that wasn’t where I left it! Something about thunderstorms and tornado warnings and tents don’t mix.

Seriously guys and gals, and kids of D-5, give yourselves a pat on the back for putting on a good convention.

While we’re on the convention thing, when this year’s show was over, our district is now on the clock, and I’m thinking this year is going to fly by quickly. Hopefully, you will get this report in time, as our first actual convention meeting is scheduled for July 21, at 6:30 p.m., at Cedar Creek Park, pavilion #6. Cedar Creek is located near the junction of I-70 and Rt. 51. We’re going to try to hold our summer meetings on a week night since weekends in the summer are so hectic for everyone. Some committees are still open. If you can make the meeting, it would be great. If not and you can help at the convention, give me a call at 724-348-6721 so I can get your name down on the list. We will be needing much help for this event, so don’t be shy.

Matthew Pappa has stepped up as our new Allegheny County leader. Matthew, thank you and welcome aboard.

Our trapper’s school is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 12 this year at a sportsman’s club near Monongahela. If you or anyone you know would like to attend, give me a call so we can register you. We’ll need a total, so nobody goes home empty handed or hungry. Class will run all day with lunch provided.

The date for our fall rendezvous is Oct. 4, at the Washington County Fairgrounds. Once again, we will be offering a cable restraint class at the rondy. The sign up should be on the game commission Web site when you read this.

— Dave Eckels


Hello all,

Just wanted to let everyone know I made it to the Miss Pa. Pageant last night to present the new incoming Miss Pennsylvania with her fur coat from the PTA. I went into this not knowing what to expect, and certainly didn’t expect to fit in, but my daughter and I had a great time and they made us feel welcome. The whole show is well run and professional, and this is great PR for us trappers. I sat with several chaperons/volunteers at the Queen’s reception, and when they found out I was representing the PTA, they all wanted to see the coat and explained how the girls love getting it.
Even with that being said, I wasn’t sure how the new Miss Pa. would react to the coat when I presented her with it. After I opened the garment bag on stage, she asked if she could put it on, and even wore it while she talked to the crowd and said her thank you’s. Afterwards, she came and thanked the Trappers, and also did the director of the pageant.

All in all, I think this exposure is great for us, and everyone seemed sincerely thankful for the coat and our involvement in the pageant.


— Dave Eckels


I hope you set aside some time to attend the state convention that was held last weekend. This was the first convention I had the opportunity to help with and I must say it was a rewarding experience. Todd Harteis and his group of planners did a great job. I won’t try to list the names of everyone who helped but your hard work was appreciated. It truly was a group effort and everyone involved played an important part. Thank you. I would encourage everyone to get involved and help out when they have the chance to participate in such an event and I would also like to thank everyone for making Sierra and I feel very welcome. I apologize for Sierra’s constant chatter; some times she just can’t help herself. We both had a great time!

District 5 will be holding their annual Trapper Training School at Camp Harmony in Somerset County on August 6-9, 2009. Please call Pat Wess at 814.262.9455 for more information about the school. I’m sure he will be glad for teachers as well as students for this event.

A date to mark on your calendar is Feb. 14, 2010, because this will be the District 5 fur sale that will be held at the Bedford County Fair Grounds. That is less than eight months away and I don’t have my traps cleaned up from last year; hopefully you are doing better. Don’t forget to get your new hunting and trapping licenses and send for any additional permits you desire (remember the Bobcat?).

Please feel free to contact Pat Wess at 814-262-9455, Todd Harteis at 814-547-0076 or myself with any information you would like to see in this report or any questions you might have. Thanks for reading.

— Brian Stern


I would like to thank Todd Harteis and all the crew from Dist. 5 for hosting a very nice state convention. In spite of the bad weather, everything ran smoothly and I saw a lot of members from District 7 there. District 7 events for this year are: July 19, district 7 picnic at the Booneville campground near Loganton, at 1 p.m., bring a covered dish; Aug. 15, trapper training day at the White Deer Lions picnic grounds, 8 a.m.; Sept. 19 and 20 is our mini-convention, this will be held at the Southern Clinton County Sportsmens Club, near Loganton. There will be a cable restraint class on Sat. 19, from 8 a.m. to noon. Pre-registration is required on the Pa. Game Comm. Web site.

The fee is $15, the class is limited to 35 persons. There will be demos all day Saturday and Sunday morning. There will be dealers selling new and used trapping supplies. Set-up fee for sellers is $10 for the weekend and primitive camping for Saturday night will be $5. There will be a 50-50 drawing on Saturday and a raffle of new and used trapping items after the meeting on Sunday. We will have a food stand; Dec. 19 will be our Christmas party at the Mazeppa Community center, starting at 6 p.m., bring a $5 wrapped gift and a covered dish; Dec. 20 will be our fur sale at Washingtonville, starts at 9 a.m., 4 percent comm.

I would like to thank Mike Kilcoyne for working at the youth field day at the North Montour Sportsmens club on June 27 and also thank Arnold Lockman for helping there. I received several nice comments from the kids and parents for the way Mike ran the classes. And last I would like to give everyone from District 7 and District 8 a very big thank you for nominating me for District Director of the year. It was a great honor to receive it. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions or needs more info about any of our events please contact me at 570-437-2679 or e-mail me at


Congratulations to District 5 and especially Todd Harteis for hosting a great Rendezvous. My wife and I surely enjoyed the camaraderie with you all! We are blessed to have so many good friends to come together for a few short days. The weather could have been better, but we trappers have no control over it.

Congratulations to Brian Mohn our new PTA President. I am sure you will do an excellent job. Please let us know how we can help you serve the trappers of Pennsylvania. A big thanks to Rod Zullinger and Ed Price for the fine job they have done for the PTA. I can tell you all with their leadership they raised this organization to a new level for the betterment of all trappers.
Thanks to all the members that helped with the Jake Days and Youth Field Days here in District 8 that we have done this Spring and Summer.

• The next District 8 General Meeting will be Sunday Noon Aug. 23, 2009, at Cumberland Valley Antique Machinery and Engine Association (Grounds), Twin Bridge Road, Chambersburg, Pa.
(Franklin County). Come early to reminisce, bring a covered dish. Drinks are provided. Directions: From I-81 take Rt. 30 west 4 or 5 miles to Twin Bridges Road, turn right go north 2 miles, C.V.A.M. & E. A. up on hill on left, just pass Twin Bridges Campgrounds. We will be planning our fall events.

• Fall Events: Aug. 29, 2009, 8 a.m. – Cable Restraint Certification Class – Duncannon Sportsmen Club, Montebello Farm Road, Duncannon, Pa. (Perry County). Contact person Carl Fox at 717-834-3635 or Ash Bricker 717-263-7986.

• Sept. 12, 2009, 8 a.m., 13 County Sportsmen Show, Marysville Lions Club, Marysville, Pa. (Perry County). For info call Terry Swartz (Swamper) at 717-536-3733 or Allen Eppleman at 717-226-9623.

• Sept. 26, 2009, 7 a.m., PTA District 8 Trapper Training School, Ickesburg Sportsmen Association, Ickesburg, Pa. (Perry County). For info or an application for enrollment call Allen Eppleman at 717-486-7573.

• Oct. 16, 2009, Noon until Oct. 18, 2009, Noon, 1st Blain Fall Extravaganza – Blain Picnic Grounds, Blain, Pa. (Perry County). For info call Nelson Hosler at 570-658-3904 or Todd Frederick 717-438-3839 or Terry Swartz (Swamper) at 717-536-3733.

• Oct. 18, 2009, Noon PTA District 8 General Meeting, Blain, Pa.

We hope to see you all at our meetings and events. For more info call me at 717-486-7573 or 717-226-9623, e-mail:, or by mail Allen Eppleman, 4232 Carlisle Road, Gardners, PA 17324.

— Allen Eppleman


The Kutztown Gathering in May turned out to be a pretty decent day. The dealers reprted doing a pretty good business. Thank you to all who put on the demos for the event. Thanks also to all who worked to put this “Gathering” together.

I hope you all had a chance to make it to Ebensburg for the state convention. Congrats to the guys and gals from District 5 for a job well done. I was only able to go on Friday for a couple hours, but enjoyed it very much. It seemed like there were a good number of dealers and tailgaters there and the facilities were very good.

I was not able to make the state meeting on Saturday so I can’t fill you in on anything that happened other than the news that District 11 got the bid to host the 2011 convention. I only got a couple of calls for volunteers to help with the conventions so if you want to help with this please let me know or better still come to Millcreek Sportsman’s Association on Aug. 2.

We will be holding our annual event at Millcreek Sportsmen’s Association in Lancaster starting at 9 a.m. There will be dealers and tailgaters and demos till noon, at which time we will have a covered dish picnic lunch. After lunch, we will have a shooting competition at 100 yards. Bring along your rifle of choice to compete for best three-shot group. At 2 p.m., we will hold our district meeting. We will begin some initial planning for the 2011 convention. If you know that you are going to attend the lunch at Millcreek, please call me and let me know. If you have anything you would like to tailgate, you are welcome to bring that along.

One last thing, the dedication of the tree planted at Stover’s Dam Nature Barn in memory of Frank Ceresini will be July 18 at 11 a.m.

Here again are the dates, locations and contact people for the upcoming trapper training schools:

• Berks/Schuykill – Sept. 12 at Auburn Rod & Gun Club – contact Brian Mohn at 610-562-1790

• Dauphin – Sept. 26 at Dauphin Co. Anglers & Cons – contact Mike Spittle at 717-367-2637

• Lancaster – Aug. 22 at Millcreek Sportsmen’s Assoc. – contact Terry Suter at 717-393-4738

• York – Aug. 29 at Starview Sportsmen’s Club – contact Brett Spangler at 717-767-4672
Hope to see you at Millcreek.

— Mike Spittle

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