“What is the biggest secret in trapping?” During almost every trapping course that I teach — in groups or in private — there is always someone who asks me this question or something similar. And for years, my answer was … [Read More]
Trap Line Blog
Top Trapping Tips With Alan Probst
We recently sat down with expert trapper Alan Probst, owner of North American Trapper, and discussed the best traps, bait and more to set for predators that will help deer and turkey populations. [Read More]
Conservation Groups Intervene in Legal Battle Over Gray Wolf Protections
A group of hunting organizations filed to intervene in lawsuits submitted by anti-hunting organizations against the FWS for the agency’s denial of two requests to relist Northern Rocky Mountain gray wolves under the Endangered Species Act. [Read More]
Black Coyotes: What Causes Them and How Rare Are They?
Find out what percentage of coyotes have dark coats, how they came to be, and how they compare to the more common gray coyote. [Read More]
Residents Warned About “Wolf-Dogs”
State issues “shoot on sight” permission if people are confronted by escapees. [Read More]
Lynx Lessons
The author walks us through six key takeaways from his Alaskan lynx trapline, that most any trapper can employ — no matter the furbearer or location. [Read More]
Dealing With Dug-Up Traps
Here are the best methods that this longtime trapper has found for dealing with trap-wise predators, although the general principles apply to most any furbearer. [Read More]
One Trap to Rule Them All
Is there one trap that can do it all? The author makes a case for his favorite. [Read More]
The Management Trapper: Embrace Set Diversity
The author has learned that staying adaptable will always help his trapping seasons end up successful. [Read More]
Weasel Ski Trapping
Follow along as the author straps on his skis for a fun winter trapline. [Read More]